Jun 17, 2014
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Quick Guide to Paris, France

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Paris, the City of Light, is a romantic place to visit in any season. This article is a quick guide to Paris, France. Including a short story, safety tips, romantic destinations, and hotels.

Helpful Words when Traveling in France:

  • Bonjour means hello.
  • Merci means thank you.
  • S’il vous plaît means if it pleases you.
  • Excusez-moi means excuse me.
  • Lillet (pronounced le lait) is milk, but is very uncommon to order to drink with your meal.
  • Filet mignon does not likely mean steak. Mignon means “cute”.
  • Escalope does not mean scallops. Escalope is thin sliced, pan fried meat.
  • Une Carafe d’Eau means you want tap water. Legally in French restaurants if you want tap water they must give it to you. It is safe to drink and significantly cheaper, plus you will be helping the environment cut down on all those plastic or glass containers. Many waiters will practically make you insist, but just say non to the bottled water if you want tap. You will need to ask for refills and it will not likely come with ice.
  • Eau gazeuse means sparkling water. If you’ve never tried sparkling water, order it with your next meal.
  • Non merci means no thank you.
  • Oui (wee) means yes.
  • Tres bien, merci means very well, thanks. This phrase is great for when the waiter asks how you are doing or a friend inquires about your day.
  • Est-ce que vous parlez anglais means do you speak English?
  • Laissez-moi tranquille means leave me alone. This phrase could come in handy with the occasional drunk or person jonesing to distract you so that his buddy can steal your camera.
  • Qu’est-ce que c’est means what is that?
  • Ça ne me plaît pas means I do not like it.

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